Learn a dash of Chinese medicine's founding theories and the principles of Holistic Health. 

Learn the influences of the 5 Elements and Seasons and their roles in vibrant nutrition and seasonal eating.

Reflect and plan. Use the helpful tools and tips in the ebook to start refining your nutritional goals.

Download Creating Healthy Eating Habits Today!

In this ebook (and its companion course) the focus is not what to eat, but how to embrace the virtues of Chinese medicine's 5 Elements and their seasons, to help bring vibrancy and joy into self nourishment. 

Hi! I'm April Crowell

I am an AOBTA® Certified Instructor & Practitioner Diplomate, Asian Bodywork Therapy (Dipl. ABT NCCAOM) Certified Holistic Nutritionist (CHN). Since 1994, I have been a practitioner and teacher of Integral Asian medicine, Amma therapy, Holistic Nutrition and Herbs. (I use the term Integral Asian Medicine as my practice draws on the wisdom and knowledge of several cultures - Chinese, Korean and Japanese.) 🌿 I believe passionately that by empowering self and others in forms of medicine and holistic living principles to create a healthier future for our planet and all beings on it. I love foraging, growing and eating seasonal and sustainable foods. 🌿🌎 My practice is an evolution of my holistic lifestyle and upbringing. Growing up on a small productive farm, an understanding of nature and our connection to it is deeply ingrained in my being. My interest in East Asian lifestyle and healing arts would lead me to years of training in Japanese Aikido and Reiki and then to the vast expanse of Chinese medicine as handed down through a Korean lineage of Amma Therapy. Ever expanding and integrating, my practice has evolved to include contemporary concepts including Contemporary 5 Elements, Contemporary Tongue & Pulse Assessment several forms. Integral Asian Medicine is holographic, recognizing that each person as a whole, dynamic continuum of body, mind and spirit. 🌎🌿 I teach courses ranging from introductory to certifying programs and mentorship in Amma Therapy, Holistic Nutrition, Asian medicine, herbs and workshops. I offer online consultations and treat in-person in Boise, Idaho. Visit www.aprilcrowell.com to learn more, schedule appointments or mentoring sessions, explore blogs, and find recipes. 🌎🌿 Be well, April

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